
Does Your Home Make You Happy?

Does your home make you happy

The residence represents a meaningful connection between human beings and the presumed environment that results from striving for identity as a sense of belonging. Residential complexes are considered one of the most compound and essential functions in architecture and can affect residents’ happiness. The knowledge of environmental psychology emerged in response to the grievances and protests of the occupants of homes whose living space was unable to meet their needs and priorities and became a monotonous space where the user lived with a sense of dissatisfaction. Environmental psychologists rely on the two-way relationship between man and the environment by understanding the impact of mental phenomena and extract the environment’s capabilities. But what makes people satisfied and happy with their home?

Priorities for a home to make you happy

What kind of home do you prefer? Where do you live? If you have different answers to these questions, you know the difference between preferred accommodation and an unpleasant environment. If there is a big difference between the two answers, you may be dissatisfied with your location of residence in which you may never feel happy.

Happy family funny kids bake cookies in kitchen

Satisfaction with the area of your home

The satisfaction with a home must be measured sufficiently. However, this measurement is not limited to a simple question: “Are you happy with your apartment?” Satisfaction may differ in the quality of different parts of the home, such as space, decoration, light and color. Moreover, the relationship between the residence’s functionality and the building’s quality, such as light for study or light for washing dishes, may have a significant impact on your happiness.

Happy family in new building-residential-house purchase apartment

Personal factors of being happy with your home

In house-style studies, adults and young people preferred to be decorated with modern ornaments, while older adults preferred the more straightforward type. Simplicity may not be attractive, but it does show clarity. This is important for older people because it is more difficult for them to move and perceive. Young adults like mysterious habitats, while older people prefer more comfortable homes to feel happiness.

Physical factors of being happy with your home

The physical factors of a house also significantly impact our priorities and satisfaction with the house. For example, tiny houses and crowded rooms are less satisfying. We consider four physical forms of a house: building form, architectural style, interior spaces and exterior spaces. Most interior designs are concerned with changing fashions and artistic expressions, while the location of a house is a more important matter.

housing planners and managers should pay attention to the importance of social indicators in improving housing quality and consider housing concerning all relevant factors, both quantitative and qualitative, to make the residents happy with their homes. If you require such a housing agency or looking to buy a home, our professional housing agents will help you find your desired house.